Wednesday, October 22, 2008

And the winner is...

The site I discovered that had a lot of potential awesomeness was imcooked. So, I didn't actually watch any videos (it's kind of a pain to watch videos at work) but I will at home one of these days. This is one of those things that makes me think that I will actually cook something that's not frozen and out of a box that has the cooking instructions in easy-to-decipher pictures.
Another site I liked a lot was Yelp. Who doesn't like to read reviews of places you already have an opinion of? (I don't care what "fen z from toledo ohio" thinks, Surly Girl is awesome!) Also, I will probably use it next time I travel to another city.
Other Winners in my book:

Friday, October 17, 2008

DIE, Microsoft Office, DIE!

I'm sold on Google Documents. It's easy to use, conveniently saved online, and Free! I realized, after discovering it, that my life is going to be so much easier, both at home or work. (Among other things, I love that it constantly saves your work, because no matter how many times you remind people, they don't SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!)
It's so easy to upload things from MS Word too, and, lo and behold, it looks just like the original! No more crazy messed up margins! This is usually a HUGE problem with Resumes that are transfered from one word processing program to another.

On a side note, Rock Band 2 is just as wonderful as I imagined. Tons of new songs, well chosen for all instuments, including bass. New and improved guitar! (it's heavier and the strummer is perfect compared to the last one) You can also load all the songs from the last one onto the new game, and play them together.

that's all for now.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I checked out the Sandbox for CML's Wiki, and, at first, it made me want a PB&J sandwich, too (check out Molly's "favorite quote"). But then I realized that I have no money and that's exactly what I've been eating almost every day this week. Sad. So I made myself fell better by singing the dancing banana Peanut-Butter-Jelly-Time song.

But, seriously folks, go check out my favorite movies and TV shows (us library folk have good taste!) I used my real name, just for all you stalkers out there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

#15: Wikis

My favorite of the Library Wikis we were asked to look at were the ones that had the same layout as Wikipedia. The familiarity is comforting, especially when you spend less time getting used to a new website and more time looking at information.

Wikipedia is an amazing tool. I use it for many reasons, but my favorites are to look at story synopses of musicals I have never seen, and also, to see what songs are going to be on any new Guitar Hero and Rock Band games that come out. I love that people take the time and effort to enter all this pertinant information.

(Speaking of which, the songs I am most excited about for Rock Band 2 are:
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Float On by Modest Mouse
Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads
I hope my sister's boyfriend buys this game SOON so I can play it.)