Monday, August 25, 2008

I was on my first cruise ever last week and was very interested to see on the map they leave in your stateroom that the boat had its very own Library! Of course I had to see it, so I dragged Paul (rolling his eyes the whole way) to Deck #4 and searched around for it. Turns out, the "Library" was about 75 random, tattered-looking books in a small bookcase with glass doors. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were left behind by forgetful "cruisers." Surprisingly, though, I noticed a lack of anything by Dan Brown, Danielle Steele, and any contemporary fiction that would be considered a good beach read. Instead, they had books by Umberto Eco and Louis L'Amour, and two volumes of Oxford Guide to English Literature and an encyclopedia of World Religions. To check out the books, you just wrote your name, stateroom number, and book title in a binder next to the bookcase. For a three day cruise, there were a surprising amount of titles checked out. I guess not everyone on cruises gorges on buffets, booze, and sun the whole time.